“When can we have choir again?”
I am asked this question frequently these days. I find it a stressful one, and I don’t think I’m alone in that.
Do I want to have everyone back together to sing? Of course I do. But I also can’t be reckless with peoples’ health and safety. There are so many factors and considerations that go far beyond “I miss choir, so let’s get back to it.”
I want to be cautious, but at what point am I being too cautious?
Am I overcorrecting my own impatience?
Am I using the crutch of “let’s wait and see what happens” to justify my own discomfort about trying to balance and mitigate all the various risks and comfort levels of my singers?
If I’m honest, I am scared of making the wrong choice – whether that choice is to start up or to wait.
This pandemic isn’t over, and it isn’t going away anytime soon. But, as it has always done, all it gives us is more questions and no answers.